You'll be praying, all right

Think you're safe in Portland on a sunny Sunday morning? Well, my friend, you aren't. Here's a pathetic incident on Produce Row today:

Rinella was working at his desk Sunday morning at 8:30 a.m. when he heard car windows breaking. “He ran out to stop them and the three of them beat him up pretty bad and held a 9mm to his head,” said a post on Rinella Produce’s Facebook page. “This city needs law and order.”

In January, Mayor Ted Wheeler announced a “90-day reset” for the Central Eastside with a concentrated city effort to address safety and livability concerns that have become so chronic that several of the neighborhood’s mainstay businesses have threate[ne]d to leave....

Joe Padulo, the owner of Portland Wine Storage on Southeast Alder, said Sunday that the reset had an effect in spurts as city workers swept through. Response times improved, but it hasn’t made the neighborhood feel fundamentally safer, he said.

He said a man set fire to a homeless camp two weeks ago outside Office Depot. Two days later, there was another tent set up in the ashes of the fire. Business owners are constantly cleaning up graffiti. Their cars are regularly vandalized. And they’re often forced to confront people directly, if carefully, he said.

On Saturday, a broken-down truck appeared directly in front of his business, apparently towed there by another car. The windshield is smashed in, and it’s loaded with junk that’s now spilling onto the sidewalk, Padulo said....

Padulo said he and his employees spend time every day calling the city.

Worthless politicians, worthless cops, what do you expect? And when the charter children get themselves elected to the City Council using tax dollars for their campaign garbage, it's not going to get any better, that's for sure. If you were trying to chase businesses out of the city, you couldn't do it any more efficiently.


  1. Here's a NY Times story that paints a fuller, even more frightening picture of downtown.

    1. Obviously, this didn't show up as I thought it would... maybe you can fix it as I don't have the know-how. Sorry.

    2. If you cut and paste that whole URL address, it works.

    3. Unlike Portland.

    4. If you eliminate everything after the question mark, including the question mark, you get a reasonably short URL that works as well as that long one. If you hit a paywall on a New York Times article, go to and submit that shortened URL and you can read the article.

  2. Portland police arrest violent gang members on SERIOUS felony gun charges, only to see them released the next day by leftist judges YOU voted for. In Portland, black & Hispanic shooters and rapists are arrested, and most walk out the door. "Diversity, equity, and social justice," don't you know....

  3. If by “Sunday” the article means yesterday, October 1, that incident is surprising since the Portland Marathon was running right through the area. Plenty of people and actual police officers in the area helping with traffic.

    1. That’s why one of the suspects was apprehended - a police car drove by while the attack was in progress. It may seem surprising that anyone would be so bold as to break into a car with normal people around, but that is what it’s like now. There is no fear of consequence in the drug world.

  4. The DA won’t help the cops keep the community safe from lawless criminals.
    The unintended consequence may be vigilantes.

  5. Every once in a while I listen to KBOO talk shows in the 8-9 AM slot and it doesn't take me long to remember why I stopped listening. Everything is the fault of capitalism and the wealthy. No urgency to help solve real everyday problems of the small business owners and workers. No awareness of the mess we are in, other than to kvetch about those poor "homeless" souls that are only there because of greedy fat cats and conservative Christians (or some other meaningless phrase). No wonder nothing gets fixed- these are many of the same people working for Homeless Inc. JoAnn Hardesty used to have one of those slots.


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