Kerby Kampground back open for business

Legacy Emanuel Hospital patients, staff, and visitors who come in on I-405 are getting a good look at Portland's drug and crime problems again, as the "homeless" camp at the half-mile-long Kerby Avenue freeway exit has reappeared with a vengeance over the past couple of weeks. This version's a real doozy, with zombie RVs, huge tents, lots of furniture, garbage everywhere, and one guy's even got a teepee set up next to the road. Maybe it's part of the "land back" movement.

I've written about this blight during past flareups. Usually the city lets it go for a long time, until at least two people get shot. The place becomes a center for all kinds of crime. Eventually City Hall forces the campers out for a few months, and then they come back. When they go, they leave literally tons of garbage and filth behind. It's an absolute disgrace. 

What a message to send to those trying to get to one of the region's main trauma centers. "Hey there, rest of Oregon. Here's what not to do." I hope for their sake that they understand what they're seeing and why it's happening.


  1. Who is providing these derelict RVs. Someone dig into this. I have to believe some junkyard is getting a payment to decommission and recycle these things but are taking a few bucks to have them driven off to be parked and lived in. They are so tattered and inhabitable they had to be slated for deconstruction

    1. Interesting take. I know if I had a rundown, worthless RV, I'd tow it up to Portland and leave the door unlocked.

  2. Dispense with the feel-good waste of time
    SOLVE plastic bag and pistol grip grabber made for TV cigarette butt litter patrols.....engage some front end loaders and dump trucks and sweep these garbage dumps.

  3. Why is Multnomah county still spending millions on tents and tarps - that are such a blight on the county - when they could be spending that money on actual shelters ?

  4. I stopped using that exit a year ago, after coming to the stop sign and having a pyscho druggie beat on my windshield while screaming abuse at me.

  5. I still like the firehose solution

    1. Very human of you. I bet you wonder why your kids never call.

    2. Compassion like Bean's ensures that there will always be several Kerby's in Portland.

    3. Kid glove treatment has allowed the rot to grow.

  6. The distinct change of scenery when one leaves Portland in any direction is stark. Wherever the end of the city is the end of the camps, filth and graffiti can be seen. If all Portland did is adopt the policies of any area outside of Portland the mess would be far better.

  7. May we have the coldest, harshest winter on record. That'll help.


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