Go for it!

The arrogantsia in the Portland City Hall "transportation" bureau, and their main cheerleader, Mayor Wannabe Mingus Mapps, are warning that the sky's gonna fall if they don't get more of our money somehow.

The Portland Bureau of Transportation is proposing a $32 million budget cut for the 2024-25 fiscal year to make up for a projected revenue shortfall. PBOT leaders unveiled the plan at a city council work session Tuesday morning, warning that Portland will see major transportation service reductions next year if the cuts can't be prevented.

And what kind of "service" would be reduced? It certainly isn't fixing potholes, reducing congestion, enforcing traffic laws, or otherwise making it easier for 95 percent of the population to get around. Because they don't do any of that now. Mostly what these folks are all about are microaggressions (and even some macroaggressions) against cars, or "death machines," as they're known around City Hall.

The proposed cuts would reduce funding in every operational area by 22% to 47%, according to a presentation from PBOT Director Millicent Williams, with the largest cuts hitting administration, engineering, parking enforcement and project planning. A total of 127 full-time equivalent positions would be cut, 39 of which are already vacant.

Wow, really? This is the best news that's come out of City Hall in quite a while. We need a lot less "administration, engineering, parking enforcement and project planning" from the car haters. So go for it, Millie! Get out that ax and start cutting!


  1. Wish they’d put this kind of attention on street crime. I’d like to keep the Target stores.

    1. When was the last time you visited one of the three targeted for closure?

    2. I pick up light bulbs at the Hollywood one occasionally. Strange, strange layout for a store, creepy underground parking.

  2. Dandy Dan Ryan and his flunky PP&R chief will be next out the chute with "sky is falling" prognostications if PP&R doesn't get more money...AND that permanent taxing district they wanted at the beginning of the Legislative session earlier this year.

  3. I'd like to see an accounting of where all that 10-cent-a-gallon gas tax money has been spent. The tax got renewed before it expired after 5 years. It's now about halfway through its 2nd five years. I haven't seen a single pothole crew in my neighborhood for like 8 years.

  4. I think 95% is a gross underestimate of the actual bike:car ratio. The only place you'll see a lot of bikes around here is at the east and west ends of the Hawthorne bridge disgorging them to and from their beloved SE bunkers. We are not Amsterdam, and are actually much closer to LA in our nature than those pinheads at transportation will ever understand.

    1. There’s a fair-sized pack of hipsters pedaling in and out of downtown from North Vancouver and Williams.

  5. I’m waiting for the “Adopt A White Plastic Lane Divider Pole” program to be announced by PBOT.

  6. Check out this article that describes how all the money spent on making Division "safe" has led to more accidents and deaths and destroyed local businesses: https://portlanddissent.substack.com/p/the-bizarre-story-of-pbot-and-a-transportation


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