Quotation of the Week

Found on the Weed, about Portland's fentanyl epidemic –
South_By_Northwest, via Reddit: “So let me get this right. Our police have the biggest budget they’ve ever had. There’s one issue that is currently the biggest existential crisis in our city. And our police have four bike cops working on it. And they clock out at 6 pm.”


  1. The PPB may have a huge budget but that's a far cry from getting people to actually WORK for the PPB...given the unfriendliness of the civilian government, the population, the DA, and, now, the "Police Accountability Commission" are toward cops. As long as there are folks like Hardesty, Rubio, Iannarone, Eudaiy, etc waiting in the wings to (re-)enter municipal government, and an electorate willing to put them there, big budgets with no employees for the PPB to spend the money on is going to be the norm...not the exception.

    1. Cops LOVE to cop. Most of them aren't good at anything else. No one in Oregon pays cops better to do the thing they love than Portland. The only thing cops love more than copping is overtime. MAN, do they love overtime. The traffic division shuts down at 3am so they can collect that sweet, sweet overtime when they bust drunks after closing time. Same with the bike cops out cracking skulls downtown. They'll do their jobs, but only at time-and-a-half. We can give them all the money in the world, but they want 50% more and will game the system however they need to to get it. Doesn't matter if they're in Portland, Astoria, or Ontario. They're all the same.

      They love to deflect and talk about how mean the people they're sworn to protect and serve are to them. To that, I say, dry your eyes in your Beaverton home with all that paper you're getting. You wanna cop? Go cop, but do it professionally. That's all we ask.

    2. So the PPB has no responsibility for the unfriendliness toward them? They are just good ole boys tryin to do a job? Oh and I am quite certain the PPB will spend their entire budget even with "no employees to spend it on"

    3. It’ll be interesting to see how our culture fairs when the “cops” consent to further easing up on professional enforcement per public request.

    4. "It’ll be interesting to see how our culture fairs when the “cops” consent to further easing up on professional enforcement per public request."

      Who's asking for that? Here's a GREAT article about how the cops are making use of the tools available to them to be more effective and less wasteful. I believe we can ALL get behind things like this.


      Yes, people hate cops. They hated cops LONG before the interweb and cell phone cameras. This isn't a new phenomenon. People are just better able to get their stories out now. Rather than deal with the problem, the local constabulary have chosen to collectively pout. While, of course, collecting time-and-a-half.

      Portland Police have a monumental opportunity to innovate and show how a modern police force can protect and serve their community according to that community's values. The city showed tremendous patience from 2014 to 2020 and the cops sat on their hands. For some reason they were shocked when the public turned out to show their frustration. It's time for the Portland Police to demonstrate a willingness to change.

    5. Man, I dig it the most when Portlanders snark, writhe, and complain about cops. I've been a Portland Park Ranger and private security at various Portland locales.

      One thing I picked up on quite early, most if not all middle-class Portland males are physical cowards. Except, of course, when it comes to complaint. Then, no man is bolder.

      Politely asking a Portlander to leash his dog is to threaten his civil rights. Chastise a shoplifter and the phone camera comes out as the heroic citizen prepares to aid in a civil rights case.

      I could go on and on but the average Portland citizen hates or dislikes cops on sight, will report anyone exercising authority over commercial or public property, unless the citizen's property is at hazard.

      You can always trust a Portlander to financially support and to vote for anyone who is irresponsible and repudiates Oregon and its white culture of ...oh, you know the drill.

      I had to laugh when the Oregon Historical Society almost provided the rope with which to lynch the Lincoln statue in the Park Blocks. The citizenry is still tremulously quivering at what BLMAntifa™ will decide to do on the question of the Mt Tabor York death mask vis a vis the Borglum Harvey Scott statue.

      Portland? Doesn't deserve police protection.

    6. LOL, what? Speaking of keyboard muscles, I'm not the guy posting as "anonymous", As for cowardice, whatever. Find me and try me.

      From the moment of their formation, Portland Police have had it better than just about any agency in the state (OSP probably has it the best), and they spent the last two decades screwing it up. As my uncle is wont to say "don't piss on my back and tell me it's raining."

    7. In the future, maybe we should post as Banana

  2. It’s hard for me to respect people who believe that the amount of money spent by the public sector has a major bearing on solving a problem. An ingredient yes. But less important than a competent plan.

    1. The US spent over $20billion trying to build an effective police force in Afghanistan and it was a complete failure. Maybe Portland's policing problems have more to do with the underlying culture.

  3. Money does not change facts, like drugs being essentially legal, like the country providing "camping" supplies, like the DA not sending anyone to jail, like thinking twice from pulling someone over cause you know- Equity Baby!


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