Portland Street Ambassador of the Week

It's a shame that this is becoming a regular feature on this blog. According to police, pictured above is the guy who did this to a doctor who was walking down the street, minding her own business, near Providence Park (Civic Stadium) Friday night:

The guy is still roaming the streets, apparently. Even if he's arrested, Mikey will probably let him back out by the next morning. There'll be no consequences until he actually kills someone, which could have happened in this case.

KPTV has the disturbing video of the assault here, if you've got the stomach for it. Oh, and the cops didn't show up for 20 minutes, of course.

The victim says Portlanders have done this to themselves. And sadly, she is right on the money. Everything that downtown and vicinity had going for it is gone now, and the voters are responsible. Guys like the one in the picture are the only ones the politicians in this city and state give a darn about any more. We should all be ashamed and embarrassed by what we've allowed to happen. I know I am.


  1. Until we call out our neighbors that supported the defund the police movement, Portland will spiral deeper into the”Wild West”. Sadly, I don’t think most citizens have the will do that.
    People that can afford to leave Portland are either planning to do so, or actually gone. I’d like to stay because I remember what a wonderful community it was.

    1. The police have not been defunded and in fact have $15M more to play with today than they did in 2017-18. Their budget is nearly as big as the city's two largest school districts combined. They have PLENTY of money.

      PPB have quietly been on strike for close to a decade now, ever since the Obama people made them sign a consent decree and promise to stop shooting so damned many brown people. This upset the Groshongs, Humphreys, and Palaoros of the force and they've all decided to quiet quit.

      This town would LOVE to have a dedicated police protecting our streets. What we don't need is a bunch of lawless dummies running around indiscriminately cracking skulls and drawing weapons on every third citizen. This is Portland Oregon, not Tikrit. The police should reflect that.

      More Sherriff Andy and less Lt. Calley.

    2. So tired of this myth that the police are killing perfectly innocent victims- especially black and brown folks. The overwhelming people that got shot at by the police were using a weapon and resisting the police. https://www.portland.gov/police/open-data/ois-summaries

    3. So tired of people not knowing what they're talking about. The federal government sued the city over a pattern of behavior established prior to when your link begins.That's kinda convenient, no? No mention of James Chasse here. Kendra James? Nah. Nothing there. It's all hearts and flowers starting in 2010. Yes siree, nothing to see here. It took PPB six full years to comply with the agreement.

      It took less than two to fall out of compliance.

      But sure, they're a bunch of swell professionals out there serving the community less than 10% of them live in.

  2. I'm okay if they want to go all medival on this guys a**. You're being generous to say they've been calling it in for a decade. Give us back our tax bucks and let us hire private security in our neighborhoods. 20 minute response time on a 911 call I'm surprised they showed up at all.

  3. Equity baby! Now, we are all just as likely to get pummeled by insane drugged-out zombies as anybody else. Can't get more inclusive than that.

  4. My gripe with the defund movement isn’t about money. It’s about their not accepting long established social behavior.

  5. Grow up, dude and loose your woke hoodie.

    1. I always thought the nuclear was important.


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