Have a great weekend


  1. Sounds and look live! But, where's Ringo?

    1. Not happy that they used studio drummers- just go ask Bernard Pretty Purdie who played on dozens of tracks.

    2. Ringo is back there. For some reason, on this song, ABC didn't show him except in the four-shot. Maybe I can find the rest of the "Shindig" appearance to see if they showed him on other songs. It looks (0:27) like he was miked up for vocals. Did he sing "Honey Don't"?

  2. Sure enough: He sings "Boys." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FbXvzp5n9d0

  3. I'm highly skeptical that Bernard Purdie, who is a great drummer, did much of anything on any Beatles records.

  4. Replies
    1. Better than Hullaballoo! But not as good as Batman (which I think had new episodes twice a week).


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