Beating the heat in Portland (NSFW)


  1. We have reached peak gross now. Maybe they can hire this “person” to appear in commercials for Travel Portland? The tagline could be “Come to Portland, and get your freak on. No limits, and no judgment.”

  2. I used to be snarky that Portland was heading toward a cesspool.

    1. He(?) kinda reminds me of the Gimp from Pulp Fiction. The gimp finally escaped, and he found true brotherhood in Portland.

  3. It’s in the manual. The page that gives tips on how to boof safely if you are unhoused.

  4. The sad commentary on Portland is the absence of judgment. Unless you’re wearing a MAGA cap.

  5. On top of this incident being incredibly gross and deeply disturbing, you have to realize that if this person slips and impales himself, we taxpayers will foot the bill for all the medical expenses.

  6. I think I saw this somewhere else and now I can't unsee it so you've been warned. I can't remember the last time I actually drank water from a Benson Bubbler. Once I recall a cop chastising a kid in Waterfront Park for letting his dog drink out of one. It's a principle of motion that things go much faster downhill.

    1. I suppose it’s time to rename them Benson Bidets.

  7. Do you suppose Simon Benson envisioned this sort of activity occurring when he installed the fountains about a century ago? I suspect people who were apt to engage in that kind of behavior were housed in an asylum back then.

    1. It is only a matter of time before some do-gooder digs up some “evidence” that Benson said something racist once. Then the campaign to remove or rename the fountains will be on.

    2. They aren’t really “do gooders”. Mainly they spend their time looking for sh-t to stir up.

  8. the guy passing by this ghastly scene reminds me of the late herbert kornfeld.

  9. Years ago, I was walking downtown with my son who wanted to take a drink out of a Benson Bubbler. I said, "Don't do it, homeless dudes wash their balls in those things." Some random woman turned around and chastised me, griping, "That's a terrible thing to say." Terrible, but true.

  10. I think she just gave the Bubbler a venereal disease.

  11. Maybe they need to remove them until a time where this nonsense isn’t tolerated

    1. A time which, in Portland, will be never.

    2. Let them remain a small monument to what was and perhaps will never again be.

  12. Relax it is just Gollum washing his precious...


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