Friday news dump: Creepy was canned

Well, of course it's a mess. Well, of course lies were told. It's Sam Adams.

And don't kid yourself: He thinks he'll be back. Because honestly, where else would he go?

If I were Dud Wheeler, I'd be watching my back until my career is officially over. 

Everybody else, pass the popcorn.


  1. The picture of the homeless trash dump perfectly illustrates Sam’s “career “

  2. Call me skeptical, but I can only imagine what passes for “bullying” nowadays at city hall. This is a group of people that live to find offense in just about any situation. I could be wrong, but I highly doubt it. Can you imagine having to work in that kind of environment, and constantly having to walk on eggshells?

    I think that I will reserve any opinion until the facts come out.

    1. Hopefully the facts won't come out and he will just slink away. He is like a bad rash that just when you think it is gone, it comes back like wildfire. He needs to find a new city.

  3. My politics don’t jive with Sam’s. So I’m not sad to see him go.
    That said. I would never work in a woke environment the could set up a fellow employee with nitpicking charges.

  4. There are so many good reasons to criticize and dislike the guy. But who’s left in that office to be hard nosed and practical about restoring livability to downtown?

  5. Never cared for Sam all these years yet the article states something we've all been advocating: 'Adams unapologetically stepped on toes, saying getting work accomplished and advancing Wheeler’s agenda was more important than not hurting anyone’s feelings. He won over fans, including in the business community, by aggressively following through on plans to revitalize downtown, clear homeless encampments, pick up litter and lay grounds for banning camping citywide.'

    1. Exactly........and this is why nothing of worth will ever come from these people. They are all living in some kind of bizzaro fantasy land.

  6. The volume, in-depth reporting by the print media sure makes it smell like a well planned set up

  7. Another testament to what a dismal failure Wheeler has been. He should have known that Adams always trips himself up with his own arrogance. It was a bad hire to begin with. I'll bet those that Sam screwed over in the past (like Chief Sizer) are eating this up.

  8. How many Billions have we poured into fixing this mess? How much progress has been made? One is a very big number, another is very small.

  9. perhaps if the wokesters in city hall are forced to work in person downtown again, they'll have to confront the mess they've made and start taking responsibility to clean it up. I'm not holding my breath, though.

  10. I think the wokesters in city hall are so proud of themselves that they will double down on their agenda.


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