Week 19 underdog picks
There are six pro football games in America this weekend, and for the players in our charity underdog game, every one of them will count:
12.5 PITTSBURGH at Kansas City - Evil O, Paul, Kosar19, Mojo
8.5 PHILADELPHIA at Tampa Bay - Drew, TJ
6 LAS VEGAS at Cincinnati - CrimsonCrud, SteveO, Buster Douglas, Mad Dog, PDXileinOmaha, No Chance in Hell, Bad Picker
4 NEW ENGLAND at Buffalo - pdxTrojan, Gordon
4 ARIZONA at Los Angeles Rams - JC, Micah
3 SAN FRANCISCO at Dallas - Meow, DB, Eric
The standings going into this weekend are here. Good luck, players and their charities!
UPDATE, that evening: Neither of the Satur-'dogs came through, which means that nearly half our players are already taking a goose egg for the week. But for the rest, there's tomorrow and even Monday.
UPDATE, Sunday night: The smallest 'dog came through on Sunday, not the others. Still one puppy to go ('Zona) on Monday night. But the wild, wild wild-card weekends of the recent past have come to an end.
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