Where is Oregon's vaccine passport?
I see that the clear trend among colleges and universities is to require students to be fully vaccinated against Covid before they are allowed to return to campus late this summer. Sounds good to me. I wonder why more businesses aren't making similar distinctions among their customers.
For example, I'm surprised there aren't more stories like this one: The Seattle Mariners baseball team is going to have special "fully vaccinated" sections in its stadium, where seating for the games will be closer together and the tickets will be cheaper. I'm not so sure I find that offer so attractive. It reminds me a little of the old smoking and no-smoking sections on airplanes. But I do like that they're rewarding people who are smart enough to get their shots.
Even more encouraging is the idea of a government vaccine passport. By checking everyone's Covid credentials, businesses that limit entry to vaccinated folks could operate at higher capacity. New York State has a system, called the Excelsior Pass. It's a phone app that shows you got your vaccine, and the results of your recent virus tests, if you had any. You can print out the results on paper and carry that as a credential if you won't have your phone handy.
Of course, there are states where none of this is possible. The states controlled by the idiotic death cult known as the Republican Party will never stand for any system or practice that disfavors anti-vaccine lunatics. But in the blue states, it's time to separate the jabbed from the unjabbed, and let the jabbed move more quickly toward a new normalcy.
What about Oregon? This is a fairly backward place. The better an idea is, the longer it takes the state government bureaucrats to acknowledge and implement it. This weekend they're busy glossing over the fact that 90 people are in intensive care units with the virus, roughly twice the number from a month ago. Eight Covid deaths were reported yesterday, and 20 in the last four days. They're reopening various businesses and activities despite the evidence that we're far from being in the clear.
But with the Democratic Party controlling everything, the politics are right for passports and vaccine favoritism in Oregon. So let's get on with it already.
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