This one's special

Among those soon leaving public service, and to whom we say goodbye this week, is Kayleigh McEnany. The last in the line of official gaslighters, her job performance will be remembered – studied in schools even – long after she moves on. America has been Made Great Again by this one, for sure. May she take her three-ring binder with her to Newsmax or Cheesecake Factory or wherever is her next stop. Ta ta!


  1. I have never understood why people rail against press secretaries. I mean, what do you expect, for them to disagree with the people for whom they work, the people that pay their salary? Hate the message, hate the person making the message, but Jesus, hating the messenger seems like a complete waste of emotion.

    1. You are mistaken. We pay the salary of W.H. press secretaries through taxes. While the position has a close connection to the president, and can be expected to spin things in a positive light, spreading outright falsehoods and refusing to provide information, and generally holding the press in contempt is dereliction of the duty to inform the public of what the president is up to.

    2. Let's face it, the press is in fact often contemptible and often hostile towards GOP presidents. It's naive, to say the least, to think that somehow a GOP press secretary under Trump is going to embrace CNN, MSNBC, ABC, WAPO, et al that have made it their business to bring him down.

    3. Sorry, I don't buy the Republican't propaganda on media bias. Skepticism and tough questions to administrations of all stripes are required for our democracy to function. Just because some people whine about it incessantly doesn't make it true.

    4. If you don't believe there is media bias, then you have greater problems than Trump.

    5. Well, I'm not a criminal sociopath, so I've got that going for me!

  2. Press secretaries should not lie to the American people. If that can't handle that simple rule they should resign. She enjoyed her $180,000 salary too much to accommodate that simple rule.

    1. Name one presidential press secretary in the last 60 years that did not lie to the American people. I'll wait.


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