Sarah steps in it
Here's an embarrassing new story about Portland mayoral candidate Sarah Iannarone. It definitely plays into the narrative that her lack of experience and loose tongue could be trouble for the city if she wins.
Here's an embarrassing new story about Portland mayoral candidate Sarah Iannarone. It definitely plays into the narrative that her lack of experience and loose tongue could be trouble for the city if she wins.
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Look, I almost thought today that yes, maybe Sarah should get my vote. But then I remembered that Tear Gas Ted has done an ok job for 3.5 years, including managing the City's response to the pandemic. The policing/systemic racism/riots/tear gas situation is a complete mess, and he deserves more than an extra heaping of blame. But I'm not sure anyone could have properly addressed the crisis. It's a difficult and challenging situation. I don't think Sarah is the answer or has the answer, and I'm always very suspicious of politicos that think their first bite at elected office should be at the top.
ReplyDeleteIn the early light of morning that last analogy seems unduly harsh. Let me take one from the world of sports where the violence isn't as extreme as what we've seen on the streets of Portland this year. It's Sunday so let's turn to the NFL. Sometimes a team will have a coach with a proven track record and lots of experience. They proceed through the years getting decent results when suddenly everything goes sideways. When the media asks why the coach was fired, they are told, "It's because he lost the locker room. He lost the team." Once you lose the team there is no going back. It is over. You might have to hire an inferior coach with no experience but you have to do something. You have no choice. The coach has lost the team. I believe Ted Wheeler has lost control of the police. He has lost the police locker room. Remember Ted's tear gas ban when the police put out a statement saying it was a bad idea? Ted responded with some fighting language calling it, " a serious breach of protocol and an inappropriate use of city communications resources." Ooo, Clint Eastwood would have been proud. Since then the police seem to be taking matters into their own hands - especially the hands with batons in them. I don't think they give a flying fuck what Ted Wheeler thinks. He's lost their support and they are in open rebellion. So Ted has to go. He lost the team.
ReplyDeleteI agree. He has lost the team. Does this automatically translate into a vote for Sarah?
ReplyDeleteI don't think that is a good analogy. If a time owner fires an experienced coach, at least they will hire someone new that has at least some coaching. Experience. Sarah has no "coaching" experience.
ReplyDeleteI also agree with John. The question is: what to do/how to vote? We don't have the luxury of choosing any available, experienced coach at this point.