For Eudaly, a bad moment

An alert reader got this email message from Mingus Mapps, who's running for Portland City Council against an incumbent, Chloe Eudaly (pictured):

Wherever the offending post was, it seems to be gone now. But the Mapps folks aren't letting it pass unnoticed. 

I would love to see Chloe's list of 64, or the list of 75 that Mapps refers to. Did anybody screen-grab her rant before it was scrubbed?



    1. That is interesting, but it's not what I'm looking for. I'm looking for what was referred to in Mapps's email.

  2. I’m guilty of not following local (Portland) politics as much as I might. I will just observe, and I hope in what appears to be the spirit of Mingus Mapps, that although Chloe Eudaly had done some laudable things, her relations with her fellow Council members has not been everything that I had hoped for when she was first elected. We need people of vision like Ms. Eudaly, yet we also need people who can get along with each other. It comes back to the three “A’s,” ability, availability, and affability. You need all three all of the time, especially on the City Council.

    1. Although it is likely poor form to reply to one’s own comment, I wanted to add that I so enjoyed the Bojack 1 series, and such good insight on City and local politics, before BoJack 2 started doing things like condemning all Trumpinistas as “racists.” Some are, some aren’t, but “what evil lurks in the heart of men” (and women?) Racism, direct or indirect, does have a place and influence in the Trump constituency, as certainly does white privilege, but saying so hardly “wins friends and influences people.” But it is Jack’s blog, and if he calls them as he sees them, he is more honest than many.


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